money money money
7/15/2012 - Permalink - 0 Comments
So I want to study to S.Korea. And I searched fees for architecture. So For all four years I need for about 9.000 euros! OK... and then I'll need more money for food( I don't wanna die from starving and of cource for a dorm to live (cause I don't plan at sleeping on the street!). So I guess I might need for all these 4 years more than 25.000.
But If I study good and go to university here in Greece which is free(Yeah!!) I can actually raise money and go to Korea as a graduate student! Huh?? the money are less obviously. But then again I don't know exactly what I want to study and there is also that thing bothering me. That Koreans(not all of cource!!) but some are a bit racist and me as a foreigner may not be axcepted which makes me so scared and sadT-T So I also have plan Bs for my life. Since I freakin 100% definitelly more that anything else want to live in Asia, see Asian people around me, eat with chopsticks and stuff, I may go to China, Japan or... Singapore?? And if Asia is really not for me then maybe I'd think of english speaking countries like Australia or England.But still I leave England in a very very back place cause I don't want to go there. I want to visit for sue! But not spent my life there. And I also never , no way, not in my whole!, I don't want to spent my life at America and by America I don't mean just US but Canada and all the other countries north and south. But if I really make it and 1.find what I really want to spent my life doing and 2. live in Korea then I'll be so happy that I won't need anything else^__^
Having no idea about my future makes me a lot(!) scared but also excited^__^ Cause I believe very much in myself. Well it wold be funny to actually end up still living in Greece(: But I also love Greece so much that I won't have a problem as long as I'll live closer to the sea than I do now! Okayy.. Bye^.^

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