Taisetsu Na Koto Wa Subete Kimi Ga Oshiete Kureta
9/05/2012 - Permalink - 0 Comments
I watch this Japanese drama and it makes me so angry!! Shuji is so.. i don't know how to say it in english (αδρανης) He doesn't act just staying there... He doesn't go to say you know I like you or not I don't... He just keeps his mouth shut and don't say anything just leaves cause he don't want to heart other but he actually really does!! I really hated him at first but now at the last episodes he changed. And I really hope at the last ep that he'll choose Natsumi (who is gonna have his baby) cause I really love them tofether^^~~~ But okay if he doesn't love her I won't hate on him cause I'd prefer Natsumi to find someone that'll love her(: For the student(the one that slept with Shuji~.~) I just don't know how to feel... I started understanding her at the last eps but to tell you the truth I never really thought about her character a lot so I can't comment. To me... there were always Shuji and Natsumi^___^ Omo!! I hope the last episode will make me happy...
 And here is my favourite OST of the drama(:

It only have 10 episodes btw!

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