A Gentleman's Dignity 7/17/2012 - Permalink - 0 Comments
This drama is so good. So welll written with great direction and awesome cast! Great production. I'm realy happy to watch so good dramas. You know one of the things made me want to live in Korea are the dramas too. If life there is really like this if peole really are like this then I really want this life for me. This drama gave me lots of happy moments and I'm greatfull for it. But I cryed too for the sad things that happened. But still compared to the happiness I felt those tears were nothing. It so good to be something so good on TV. If you don't want don't watch it but I have to give my advice and tell that you really must watch it! I take this risc and tell you'll only gain by doing so. Another great thing about this drama is the OSTs too. So many good, talented and well known artists took part in the OSTs of this drama. Yangpa, Hee Hyun (8eight), Jonghyun (CN Blue),... And the OSTs also made it big on the charts too.
So here is Lee Hyun singing My Heartache at MNet!. Have a nice day^,^ Labels: A Gentleman's Dignity, awesome, drama, love, OST |